AMR Bibliography

Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) is a graph framework for representing sentence meaning which has been the subject of considerable research in natural language processing.
This bibliography is maintained by Austin Blodgett, Shira Wein, and Nathan Schneider, based in part on this one and this one.

Explore the research on AMR

The 474 entries in the table below are sortable by column.
You can highlight rows by topic (click on a topic TAG in the last column).
The main topics are:

Annotation: Research on and methods for AMR annotators
Parsing: Produce an AMR from natural language text
(See NLP-progress page with published results up to 2021)
Generation: Produce natural language text from an AMR
Applications: Summarization, Information Extraction, Biomedical, etc.
Alignment: Find the AMR subgraph corresponding to a word or phrase
AMR Extensions: Research which adds features to the AMR annotation scheme
Multilingual: Extensions of AMR from its original language (English) to more languages
Chart of AMR papers by year and topic
(j / join-01 
            :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - 
                        :name (p2 / name :op1 "Pierre" :op2 "Vinken") 
                        :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 61 
                                    :unit (y / year))) 
            :ARG1 (b / board 
                        :ARG1-of (h / have-org-role-91 
                                    :ARG0 p 
                                    :ARG2 (d2 / director 
                                                :mod (e / executive :polarity -)))) 
            :time (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 29))

The AMR for the sentence Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29.

To suggest or update a paper, submit a pull request for this TSV file. Use the issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests.

# Title Authors Venue Year Link(s) Arxiv Tags
1 Semantics-Based Machine Translation with Hyperedge Replacement Grammars JonesBevan Jones, Jacob Andreas, Daniel Bauer, Karl-Moritz Hermann, Kevin Knight COLING 2012 pdf
2 Parsing Graphs with Hyperedge Replacement Grammars ChiangDavid Chiang, Jacob Andreas, Daniel Bauer, Karl Moritz Hermann, Bevan Jones, Kevin Knight ACL 2013 pdf
3 Abstract Meaning Representation for Sembanking BanarescuLaura Banarescu, Claire Bonial, Shu Cai, Madalina Georgescu, Kira Griffitt, Ulf Hermjakob, Kevin Knight, Philipp Koehn, Martha Palmer, Nathan Schneider Linguistic Annotation Workshop 2013 pdf
4 Smatch: an Evaluation Metric for Semantic Feature Structures CaiShu Cai, Kevin Knight ACL 2013 pdf
5 Mapping between English Strings and Reentrant Semantic Graphs BrauneFabienne Braune, Daniel Bauer, Kevin Knight LREC 2014 pdf
6 A Discriminative Graph-Based Parser for the Abstract Meaning Representation FlaniganJ. Flanigan, S. Thomson, J. Carbonell, C. Dyer, N. Smith ACL 2014 pdf, JAMR
7 Not an Interlingua, but Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech XueNianwen Xue, Ondrej Bojar, Jan Hajic, Martha Palmer, Zdenka Uresova, Xiuhong Zhang LREC 2014 pdf
8 Aligning English Strings with Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs PourdamghaniNima Pourdamghani, Yang Gao, Ulf Hermjakob, Kevin Knight EMNLP 2014 pdf, dev data, test data
9 Boosting Transition-based AMR Parsing with Refined Actions and Auxiliary Analyzers WangChuan Wang, Nianwen Xue, Sameer Pradhan ACL 2015 pdf, CAMR
10 A Transition-based Algorithm for AMR Parsing WangChuan Wang, Nianwen Xue, Sameer Pradhan NAACL 2015 pdf
11 Toward Abstractive Summarization Using Semantic Representations LiuFei Liu, Jeffrey Flanigan, Sam Thomson, Norman Sadeh, Noah A. Smith NAACL 2015 pdf
12 Graph parsing with s-graph grammars GroschwitzJonas Groschwitz, Alexander Koller, Christoph Teichmann ACL 2015 pdf
13 Robust Subgraph Generation Improves Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing WerlingKeenon Werling, Gabor Angeli, Christopher D. Manning ACL 2015 pdf
14 Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) 1.2.2 Specification BanarescuL. Banarescu, C. Bonial, S. Cai, M. Georgescu, K. Griffitt, U. Hermjakob, K. Knight, P. Koehn, M. Palmer, N. Schneider 2015 Guidelines
15 An AMR parser for English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese and a new AMR-annotated corpus VanderwendeLucy Vanderwende, Arul Menezes, Chris Quirk NAACL (Demo session) 2015 pdf
16 Using Syntax-Based Machine Translation to Parse English into Abstract Meaning Representation PustMichael Pust, Ulf Hermjakob, Kevin Knight, Daniel Marcu, Jonathan May EMNLP 2015 pdf
17 Abstract Meaning Representation: a survey TosikMelanie Tosik 2015 pdf
18 AMRICA: an AMR Inspector for Cross-language Alignments SaphraNaomi Saphra, Adam Lopez NAACL (Demo session) 2015 pdf
19 Tutorial: The Logic of AMR: Practical, Unified, Graph-Based Sentence Semantics for NLP SchneiderNathan Schneider, Jeffrey Flanigan, Tim O’Gorman NAACL-HLT 2015 Tutorial
20 Learning to Map Dependency Parses to Abstract Meaning Representations ChenWei-Te Chen ACL-IJCNLP Student Research Workshop 2015 pdf
21 A Synchronous Hyperedge Replacement Grammar based approach for AMR parsing PengXiaochang Peng, Linfeng Song, Daniel Gildea CoNLL 2015 pdf
22 Unsupervised Entity Linking with Abstract Meaning Representation PanXiaoman Pan, Taylor Cassidy, Ulf Hermjakob, Heng Ji, Kevin Knight NAACL 2015 pdf
23 Broad-coverage CCG Semantic Parsing with AMR ArtziYoav Artzi, Kenton Lee, Luke Zettlemoyer EMNLP 2015 pdf
24 Semantic Structure Analysis of Noun Phrases using Abstract Meaning Representation SawaiYuichiro Sawai, Hiroyuki Shindo, Yuji Matsumoto ACL 2015 pdf
25 Addressing a Question Answering Challenge by Combining Statistical Methods with Inductive Rule Learning and Reasoning MitraArindam Mitra, Chitta Baral AAAI 2016 pdf
26 DynamicPower at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Processing syntactic parse trees with a Dynamic Semantics core ButlerAlastair Butler SemEval 2016 pdf
27 Annotating the Little Prince with Chinese AMRs LiB. Li, Y. Wen, L. Bu, W. Qu, N. Xue 10th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW X) 2016 pdf
28 CAMR at SemEval-2016 Task 8: An Extended Transition-based AMR Parser WangChuan Wang, Sameer Pradhan, Xiaoman Pan, Heng Ji, Nianwen Xue SemEval 2016 pdf
29 Neural Shift-Reduce CCG Semantic Parsing MisraDipendra Kumar Misra, Yoav Artzi EMNLP 2016 pdf, Supplement
30 Abstract Meaning Representation as Linked Data BurnsGully A. Burns, Ulf Hermjakob, José Luis Ambite International Semantic Web Conference Resources Track 2016 springer
31 RIGA at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Impact of Smatch Extensions and Character-Level Neural Translation on AMR Parsing Accuracy BarzdinsGuntis Barzdins, Didzis Gosko SemEval 2016 pdf, Eval code
32 Between a Rock and a Hard Place -- Uniform Parsing for Hyperedge Replacement DAG Grammars BjörklundH. Björklund, F. Drewes, P. Ericson LATA 2016 pdf
33 Generation from Abstract Meaning Representation using Tree Transducers FlaniganJ. Flanigan, C. Dyer, N. A. Smith, J. Carbonell NAACL 2016 pdf
34 Noise Reduction and Targeted Exploration in Imitation Learning for Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing GoodmanJ. Goodman, A. Vlachos, J. Naradowsky ACL 2016 pdf
35 AMR Parsing with an Incremental Joint Model ZhouJunsheng Zhou, Feiyu Xu, Hans Uszkoreit, Weiguang Qu, Ran Li, Yanhui Gu EMNLP 2016 pdf
36 UCL+Sheffield at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Imitation learning for AMR parsing with an alpha-bound GoodmanJames Goodman, Andreas Vlachos, Jason Naradowsky SemEval 2016 pdf
37 CMU at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Graph-based AMR Parsing with Infinite Ramp Loss FlaniganJeffrey Flanigan, Chris Dyer, Noah A. Smith, Jaime Carbonell SemEval 2016 pdf
38 Squib: Expressive Power of Abstract Meaning Representations BosJohan Bos Computational Linguistics 42(3) 2016 pdf
39 The Meaning Factory at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Producing AMRs with Boxer BjervaJohannes Bjerva, Johan Bos, Hessel Haagsma SemEval 2016 pdf
40 SemEval-2016 Task 8: Meaning Representation Parsing MayJonathan May SemEval 2016 pdf
41 AMR-to-text generation as a Traveling Salesman Problem SongLinfeng Song, Yue Zhang, Xiaochang Peng, Zhiguo Wang, Daniel Gildea EMNLP 2016 pdf arXiv
42 ICL-HD at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Meaning Representation Parsing - Augmenting AMR Parsing with a Preposition Semantic Role Labeling Neural Network BrandtLauritz Brandt, David Grimm, Mengfei Zhou, Yannick Versley SemEval 2016 pdf
43 Machine Comprehension Using Rich Semantic Representations SachanMrinmaya Sachan, Eric Xing ACL 2016 pdf
44 Generating English from Abstract Meaning Representations PourdamghaniNima Pourdamghani, Kevin Knight, Ulf Hermjakob INLG 2016 pdf
45 Extracting Biomolecular Interactions Using Semantic Parsing of Biomedical Text GargSahil Garg, Aram Galstyan, Ulf Hermjakob, Daniel Marcu AAAI 2016 pdf arXiv
46 Neural Headline Generation on Abstract Meaning Representation TakaseSho Takase, Jun Suzuki, Naoaki Okazaki, Tsutomu Hirao, Masaaki Nagata EMNLP 2016 pdf
47 CLIP@UMD at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Parser for Abstract Meaning Representation using Learning to Search RaoSudha Rao, Yogarshi Vyas, Hal Daumé III, Philip Resnik SemEval 2016 pdf
48 CU-NLP at SemEval-2016 Task 8: AMR Parsing using LSTM-based Recurrent Neural Networks FolandWilliam Foland, James H. Martin SemEval 2016 pdf
49 UofR at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Learning Synchronous Hyperedge Replacement Grammar for AMR Parsing PengXiaochang Peng, Daniel Gildea SemEval 2016 pdf
50 M2L at SemEval-2016 Task 8: AMR Parsing with Neural Networks PuzikovYevgeniy Puzikov, Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi SemEval 2016 pdf
51 Grammar-Based Semantic Parsing Into Graph Representations BauerDaniel Bauer Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University 2017 pdf
52 Supervised Syntax-based Alignment between English Sentences and Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs ChuChenhui Chu, Sadao Kurohashi preprint 2017 arXiv
53 Getting the Most out of AMR Parsing WangChuan Wang, Nianwen Xue EMNLP 2017 pdf
54 Reforming AMR StablerEdward Stabler International Conference on Formal Grammar 2017 springer
55 Sheffield at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Transition-based language generation from AMR LampourasGerasimos Lampouras, Andreas Vlachos SemEval 2017 pdf
56 Neural AMR: Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Parsing and Generation KonstasIoannis Konstas, Srinivasan Iyer, Mark Yatskar, Yejin Choi, Luke Zettlemoyer ACL 2017 pdf arXiv
57 Oxford at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Neural AMR Parsing with Pointer-Augmented Attention BuysJan Buys, Phil Blunsom SemEval 2017 pdf
58 Robust Incremental Neural Semantic Graph Parsing BuysJan Buys, Phil Blunsom ACL 2017 pdf arXiv
59 A constrained graph algebra for semantic parsing with AMRs GroschwitzJonas Groschwitz, Meaghan Fowlie, Mark Johnson, Alexander Koller IWCS 2017 pdf
60 SemEval-2017 Task 9: Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing and Generation MayJonathan May, Jay Priyadarshi SemEval 2017 pdf
61 UIT-DANGNT-CLNLP at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Building Scientific Concept Fixing Patterns for Improving CAMR NguyenKhoa Nguyen, Dang Nguyen SemEval 2017 pdf
62 ConvAMR: Abstract meaning representation parsing for legal document VietLai Dac Viet, Vu Trong Sinh, Nguyen Le Minh, Ken Satoh SCIDOCA 2017 arXiv
63 AMR-to-text Generation with Synchronous Node Replacement Grammar SongLinfeng Song, Xiaochang Peng, Yue Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Daniel Gildea ACL 2017 pdf arXiv
64 An Incremental Parser for Abstract Meaning Representation DamonteMarco Damonte, Shay B. Cohen, Giorgio Satta EACL 2017 Parser code, Eval code arXiv
65 AMR Parsing using Stack-LSTMs BallesterosMiguel Ballesteros, Yaser Al-Onaizan EMNLP 2017 pdf arXiv
66 A Study Towards Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation Migueles-AbrairaNoelia Migueles-Abraira MSc thesis, University of the Basque Country 2017 pdf
67 Towards AMR-BR: A SemBank for Brazilian Portuguese language AnchiêtaRafael Torres Anchiêta, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo LREC 2018 pdf
68 A rule-based AMR parser for Portuguese AnchiêtaRafael Torres Anchiêta, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo IBERAMIA 2018 springer
69 RIGOTRIO at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Combining Machine Learning and Grammar Engineering for AMR Parsing and Generation GruzitisNormunds Gruzitis, Didzis Gosko, Guntis Barzdins SemEval 2017 pdf
70 Dealing with Co-reference in Neural Semantic Parsing NoordRik van Noord, Johan Bos Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning 2017 pdf
71 Neural Semantic Parsing by Character-based Translation: Experiments with Abstract Meaning Representations NoordRik van Noord, Johan Bos Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 7 2017 pdf arXiv
72 The Meaning Factory at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Producing AMRs with Neural Semantic Parsing NoordRik van Noord, Johan Bos SemEval 2017 pdf
73 Text Summarization using Abstract Meaning Representation DohareShibhansh Dohare, Harish Karnick, Vivek Gupta preprint 2017 arXiv
74 FORGe at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Deep sentence generation based on a sequence of graph transducers MilleSimon Mille, Roberto Carlini, Alicia Burga, Leo Wanner SemEval 2017 pdf
75 Biomedical Event Extraction using Abstract Meaning Representation RaoSudha Rao, Daniel Marcu, Kevin Knight, Hal Daumé III BioNLP 2017 pdf
76 Linguistic realisation as machine translation: Comparing different MT models for AMR-to-text generation FerreiraThiago Castro Ferreira, Iacer Calixto, Sander Wubben, Emiel Krahmer INLG 2017 pdf
77 Transition-Based Generation from Abstract Meaning Representations SchickTimo Schick MSc thesis, Technische Universitat Dresden 2017 arXiv
78 Unsupervised AMR-Dependency Parse Alignment ChenWei-Te Chen, Martha Palmer EACL 2017 pdf
79 Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks FolandWilliam Foland, James H. Martin ACL 2017 pdf
80 Addressing the Data Sparsity Issue in Neural AMR Parsing PengXiaochang Peng, Chuan Wang, Daniel Gildea, Nianwen Xue EACL 2017 pdf
81 Dependency and AMR Embeddings for Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literature WangYanshan Wang, Sijia Liu, Majid Rastegar-Mojarad, Liwei Wang, Feichen Shen, Fei Liu, Hongfang Liu ACM-BCB 2017 pdf
82 World Knowledge for Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing WelchCharles Welch, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Song Feng, Rada Mihalcea LREC 2018 pdf
83 Transition-Based Chinese AMR Parsing WangChuan Wang, Bin Li, Nianwen Xue NAACL-HLT 2018 pdf
84 AMR Parsing as Graph Prediction with Latent Alignment LyuChunchuan Lyu, Ivan Titov ACL 2018 pdf arXiv
85 Abstract Meaning Representation of Constructions: The More We Include, the Better the Representation BonialClaire Bonial, Bianca Badarau, Kira Griffitt, Ulf Hermjakob, Kevin Knight, Tim O'Gorman, Martha Palmer, Nathan Schneider LREC 2018 pdf
86 A Transition-Based Algorithm for Unrestricted AMR Parsing VilaresDavid Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez NAACL-HLT 2018 pdf
87 Abstract Meaning Representation for Paraphrase Detection IssaFuad Issa, Marco Damonte, Shay B. Cohen, Xiaohui Yan, Yi Chang NAACL-HLT 2018 pdf
88 Guided Neural Language Generation for Abstractive Summarization using Abstract Meaning Representation HardyHardy, Andreas Vlachos EMNLP 2018 pdf
89 A Structured Syntax-Semantics Interface for English-AMR Alignment SzubertIda Szubert, Adam Lopez, Nathan Schneider NAACL-HLT 2018 pdf
90 AMR dependency parsing with a typed semantic algebra GroschwitzJonas Groschwitz, Matthias Lindemann, Meaghan Fowlie, Mark Johnson, Alexander Koller ACL 2018 pdf arXiv
91 Abstract Meaning Representation for Multi-Document Summarization LiaoKexin Liao, Logan Lebanoff, Fei Liu COLING 2018 pdf arXiv
92 An Easier and Efficient Framework to Annotate Semantic Roles: Evidence from the Chinese AMR Corpus SongLi Song, Yuan Wen, Sijia Ge, Bin Li, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu, Nianwen Xue Workshop on Asian Language Resources 2018 pdf
93 A Graph-to-Sequence Model for AMR-to-Text Generation SongLinfeng Song, Yue Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Daniel Gildea ACL 2018 pdf arXiv
94 Annotation of tense and aspect semantics for sentential AMR DonatelliLucia Donatelli, Michael Regan, William Croft, Nathan Schneider LAW-MWE-CxG 2018 pdf
95 Cross-Lingual Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing DamonteMarco Damonte, Shay B. Cohen NAACL-HLT 2018 pdf, data
96 Annotating Abstract Meaning Representations for Spanish Migueles-AbrairaNoelia Migueles-Abraira, Rodrigo Agerri, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza LREC 2018 pdf
97 Named Graphs for Semantic Representation CrouchRichard Crouch, Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli *SEM 2018 pdf
98 Graph Algebraic Combinatory Categorial Grammar BeschkeSebastian Beschke, Wolfgang Menzel *SEM 2018 pdf
99 AMR Beyond the Sentence: the Multi-sentence AMR corpus O’GormanTim O’Gorman, Michael Regan, Kira Griffitt, Martha Palmer, Ulf Hermjakob, Kevin Knight COLING 2018 pdf
100 The New Propbank: Aligning Propbank with AMR through POS Unification O'GormanTim O'Gorman, Sameer Pradhan, Martha Palmer, Julia Bonn, Kathryn Conger, James Gung LREC 2018 pdf
101 An AMR Aligner Tuned by Transition-based Parser LiuYijia Liu, Wanxiang Che, Bo Zheng, Bing Qin, Ting Liu EMNLP 2018 pdf arXiv
102 Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing ChenYufei Chen, Weiwei Sun, Xiaojun Wan ACL 2018 pdf
103 Better Transition-Based AMR Parsing with a Refined Search Space GuoZhijiang Guo, Wei Lu EMNLP 2018 pdf
104 AMR Editor: A tool to build Abstract Meaning Representations HermjakobUlf Hermjakob manuscript pdf, Tool
105 AMR Annotation Dictionary (maintained by Ulf Hermjakob). HermjakobUlf Hermjakob Tool
106 Semantic Neural Machine Translation using AMR SongLinfeng Song, Daniel Gildea, Yue Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Jinsong Su TACL 2019 pdf arXiv
107 Factorising AMR generation through syntax CaoKris Cao, Stephen Clark NAACL 2019 pdf arXiv
108 Structural Neural Encoders for AMR-to-text Generation DamonteMarco Damonte, Shay B. Cohen NAACL 2019 pdf arXiv
109 Automatic Accuracy Prediction for AMR Parsing OpitzJuri Opitz, Anette Frank *SEM 2019 pdf arXiv
110 A partially rule-based approach to AMR generation ManningEmma Manning NAACL SRW 2019 pdf
111 SemBleu: A robust metric for AMR parsing evaluation SongLinfeng Song, Daniel Gildea ACL 2019 pdf arXiv
112 AMR parsing as sequence-to-graph transduction ZhangSheng Zhang, Xutai Ma, Kevin Duh, Benjamin Van Durme ACL 2019 pdf arXiv
113 Ordered Tree Decomposition for HRG Rule Extraction GildeaDaniel Gildea, Giorgio Satta, Xiaochang Peng Computational Linguistics 45(2) 2019 pdf
114 Towards a General Abstract Meaning Representation Corpus for Brazilian Portuguese CabezudoMarco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo Linguistic Annotation Workshop 2019 pdf
115 Augmenting Abstract Meaning Representation for Human-Robot Dialogue BonialClaire Bonial, Lucia Donatelli, Stephanie M. Lukin, Stephen Tratz, Ron Artstein, David Traum, Clare R. Voss Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2019 pdf
116 Ellipsis in Chinese AMR Corpus LiuYihuan Liu, Bin Li, Peiyi Yan, Li Song, Weiguang Qu Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2019 pdf
117 Copula and Case-Stacking Annotations for Korean AMR ChoeHyonsu Choe, Jiyoon Han, Hyejin Park, Hansaem Kim Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2019 pdf
118 Modeling Quantification and Scope in Abstract Meaning Representations PustejovskyJames Pustejovsky, Ken Lai, Nianwen Xue Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2019 pdf
119 A Case Study on Meaning Representation for Vietnamese LinhHa Linh, Huyen Nguyen Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2019 pdf
120 Parsing Meaning Representations: Is Easier Always Better? LinZi Lin, Nianwen Xue Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2019 pdf
121 Rewarding Smatch: Transition-Based AMR Parsing with Reinforcement Learning NaseemTahira Naseem, Abhishek Shah, Hui Wan, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos, Miguel Ballesteros ACL 2019 pdf
122 Enhancing AMR-to-Text Generation with Dual Graph Representations RibeiroLeonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Claire Gardent, Iryna Gurevych EMNLP 2019 pdf arXiv
123 Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsing as Transduction ZhangSheng Zhang, Xutai Ma, Kevin Duh, Benjamin Van Durme EMNLP 2019 pdf arXiv
124 AMR Normalization for Fairer Evaluation GoodmanMichael Wayne Goodman preprint 2019 arXiv
125 Modeling Graph Structure in Transformer for Better AMR-to-Text Generation ZhuJie Zhu, Junhui Li, Muhua Zhu, Longhua Qian, Min Zhang, Guodong Zhou EMNLP 2019 pdf arXiv
126 Modeling Source Syntax and Semantics for Neural AMR Parsing GeDongLai Ge, Junhui Li, Muhua Zhu, Shoushan Li IJCAI 2019 pdf
127 Core Semantic First: A Top-down Approach for AMR Parsing CaiDeng Cai, Wai Lam EMNLP 2019 pdf arXiv
128 Verbalizing AMR Structures LapalmeGuy Lapalme Manuscript 2019 pdf, code, demo
129 Back-Translation as Strategy to Tackle the Lack of Corpus in Natural Language Generation from Semantic Representations CabezudoMarco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Simon Mille, Thiago Pardo Multilingual Surface Realisation Workshop 2019 pdf
130 AMR-to-Text Generation with Cache Transition Systems JinLisa Jin, Daniel Gildea preprint 2019 arXiv
131 Exploring Graph-Algebraic CCG Combinators for Syntactic-Semantic AMR Parsing BeschkeSebastian Beschke RANLP 2019 pdf
132 Graph-to-Graph Meaning Representation Transformations for Human-Robot Dialogue AbramsMitchell Abrams, Claire Bonial, Lucia Donatelli SCiL 2020 pdf
133 AMR Similarity Metrics from Principles OpitzJuri Opitz, Letitia Parcalabescu, Anette Frank TACL 2020 pdf, code arXiv
134 A Human Evaluation of AMR-to-English Generation Systems ManningEmma Manning, Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider COLING 2020 pdf arXiv
135 Exploring Probabilistic Soft Logic as a framework for integrating top-down and bottom-up processing of language in a task context DellertJohannes Dellert preprint 2020 arXiv
136 Graph Transformer for Graph-to-Sequence Learning CaiDeng Cai, Wai Lam AAAI 2020 pdf arXiv
137 AMR Parsing via Graph-Sequence Iterative Inference CaiDeng Cai, Wai Lam ACL 2020 pdf arXiv
138 Understanding and Generating Language with Abstract Meaning Representation DamonteMarco Damonte Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh 2020 pdf
139 Methods for taking semantic graphs apart and putting them back together again GroschwitzJonas Groschwitz Ph.D. thesis, Saarland University and Macquarie University 2019 pdf
140 Parsing and Generation for the Abstract Meaning Representation FlaniganJeffrey Flanigan Ph.D. thesis, Carnegie Mellon University 2018 pdf
141 Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing WangChuan Wang Ph.D. thesis, Brandeis University 2018 pdf
142 Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing with Rich Linguistic Features ChenWei-Te Chen Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado Boulder 2017 pdf
143 Bringing together computational and linguistic models of implicit role interpretation O'GormanTimothy O'Gorman Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado Boulder 2019 pdf
144 Construct a sense-frame aligned predicate lexicon for Chinese AMR corpus SongLi Song, Yuling Dai, Yihuan Liu, Bin Li, Weiguang Qu LREC 2020 pdf
145 Dialogue-AMR: Abstract Meaning Representation for dialogue BonialClaire Bonial, Lucia Donatelli, Mitchell Abrams, Stephanie M. Lukin, Stephen Tratz, Matthew Marge, Ron Artstein, David Traum, Clare Voss LREC 2020 pdf
146 Spatial AMR: Expanded spatial annotation in the context of a grounded Minecraft corpus BonnJulia Bonn, Martha Palmer, Zheng Cai, Kristin Wright-Bettner LREC 2020 pdf
147 From spatial relations to spatial configurations DanSoham Dan, Parisa Kordjamshidi, Julia Bonn, Archna Bhatia, Zheng Cai, Martha Palmer, Dan Roth LREC 2020 pdf
148 AMR Parsing with Latent Structural Information ZhouQiji Zhou, Yue Zhang, Donghong Ji, Hao Tang ACL 2020 pdf
149 GPT-too: A language-model-first approach for AMR-to-text generation MagerManuel Mager, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Tahira Naseem, Md Arafat Sultan, Young-Suk Lee, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos ACL 2020 pdf, code arXiv
150 Line Graph Enhanced AMR-to-Text Generation with Mix-Order Graph Attention Networks ZhaoYanbin Zhao, Lu Chen, Zhi Chen, Ruisheng Cao, Su Zhu, Kai Yu ACL 2020 pdf
151 AMR quality rating with a lightweight CNN OpitzJuri Opitz AACL 2020 pdf arXiv
152 Graphs with Multiple Sources per Vertex HarmelenMartin van Harmelen, Jonas Groschwitz preprint 2020 arXiv
153 Penman: An Open-Source Library and Tool for AMR Graphs GoodmanMichael Wayne Goodman ACL (Demo session) 2020 pdf
154 AMR-To-Text Generation with Graph Transformer WangTianming Wang, Xiaojun Wan, Hanqi Jin TACL 2020 pdf
155 Better AMR-to-text generation with graph structure reconstruction WangTianming Wang, Xiaojun Wan, Shaowei Yao IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 pdf
156 Graph-to-Sequence Learning using Gated Graph Neural Networks BeckDaniel Beck, Gholamreza Haffari, Trevor Cohn ACL 2018 pdf, code arXiv
157 MRP 2019: Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing OepenStephan Oepen, Omri Abend, Jan Hajic, Daniel Hershcovich, Marco Kuhlmann, Tim O’Gorman, Nianwen Xue, Jayeol Chun, Milan Straka, Zdenka Uresova CoNLL 2019 pdf
158 Investigating Pretrained Language Models for Graph-to-Text Generation RibeiroLeonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Martin Schmitt, Hinrich Schütze, Iryna Gurevych preprint 2020 arXiv
159 Fast semantic parsing with well-typedness guarantees LindemannMatthias Lindemann, Jonas Groschwitz, Alexander Koller EMNLP 2020 pdf arXiv
160 Improving AMR Parsing with Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training XuDongqin Xu, Junhui Li, Muhua Zhu, Min Zhang, Guodong Zhou EMNLP 2020 pdf arXiv
161 Towards a Decomposable Metric for Explainable Evaluation of Text Generation from AMR OpitzJuri Opitz, Anette Frank EACL 2021 pdf arXiv
162 Online Back-Parsing for AMR-to-Text Generation BaiXuefeng Bai, Linfeng Song, Yue Zhang EMNLP 2020 pdf arXiv
163 Lightweight, Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks for AMR-to-Text Generation ZhangYan Zhang, Zhijiang Guo, Zhiyang Teng, Wei Lu, Shay B. Cohen, Zuozhu Liu, Lidong Bing EMNLP 2020 pdf arXiv
164 Pushing the Limits of AMR Parsing with Self-Learning LeeYoung-Suk Lee, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Tahira Naseem, Revanth Gangi Reddy, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos Findings of EMNLP 2020 pdf, code arXiv
165 Transition-based Parsing with Stack-Transformers AstudilloRamón Fernandez Astudillo, Miguel Ballesteros, Tahira Naseem, Austin Blodgett, Radu Florian Findings of EMNLP 2020 pdf, code arXiv
166 XL-AMR: Enabling Cross-Lingual AMR Parsing with Transfer Learning Techniques BlloshmiRexhina Blloshmi, Rocco Tripodi, Roberto Navigli EMNLP 2020 pdf
167 A Differentiable Relaxation of Graph Segmentation and Alignment for AMR Parsing LyuChunchuan Lyu, Shay B. Cohen, Ivan Titov preprint 2020 arXiv
168 I Know What You Asked: Graph Path Learning using AMR for Commonsense Reasoning LimJungwoo Lim, Dongsuk Oh, Yoonna Jang, Kisu Yang, Heuiseok Lim COLING 2020 pdf arXiv
169 Multilingual AMR-to-Text Generation FanAngela Fan, Claire Gardent EMNLP 2020 pdf
170 Semantically Inspired AMR Alignment for the Portuguese Language AnchiêtaRafael Anchiêta, Thiago Pardo EMNLP 2020 pdf
171 The Role of Reentrancies in Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing DamonteMarco Damonte, Ida Szubert, Shay B. Cohen, Mark Steedman Findings of EMNLP 2020 pdf
172 MRP 2020: The Second Shared Task on Cross-Framework and Cross-Lingual Meaning Representation Parsing OepenStephan Oepen, Omri Abend, Lasha Abzianidze, Johan Bos, Jan Hajic, Daniel Hershcovich, Bin Li, Tim O’Gorman, Nianwen Xue, Daniel Zeman CoNLL 2020 pdf
173 Hitachi at MRP 2020: Text-to-Graph-Notation Transducer OzakiHiroaki Ozaki, Gaku Morio, Yuta Koreeda, Terufumi Morishita, Toshinori Miyoshi CoNLL 2020 pdf
174 ÚFAL at MRP 2020: Permutation-invariant Semantic Parsing in PERIN SamuelDavid Samuel, Milan Straka CoNLL 2020 pdf
175 HIT-SCIR at MRP 2020: Transition-based Parser and Iterative Inference Parser DouLongxu Dou, Yunlong Feng, Yuqiu Ji, Wanxiang Che, Ting Liu CoNLL 2020 pdf
176 HUJI-KU at MRP 2020: Two Transition-based Neural Parsers ArvivOfir Arviv, Ruixiang Cui, Daniel Hershcovich CoNLL 2020 pdf
177 JBNU at MRP 2020: AMR Parsing Using a Joint State Model for Graph-Sequence Iterative Inference NaSeung-Hoon Na, Jinwoo Min CoNLL 2020 pdf
178 Generalized Shortest-Paths Encoders for AMR-to-Text Generation JinLisa Jin, Daniel Gildea COLING 2020 pdf
179 Predicting Coreference in Abstract Meaning Representations AnikinaTatiana Anikina, Alexander Koller, Michael Roth Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference Workshop 2020 pdf
180 A Continuation Semantics for Abstract Meaning Representation LaiKenneth Lai, Lucia Donatelli, James Pustejovsky Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2020 pdf
181 Separating Argument Structure from Logical Structure in AMR BosJohan Bos Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2020 pdf arXiv
182 Building Korean Abstract Meaning Representation Corpus ChoeHyonsu Choe, Jiyoon Han, Hyejin Park, Tae Hwan Oh, Hansaem Kim Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2020 pdf
183 Cross-lingual annotation: a road map for low- and no-resource languages VigusMeagan Vigus, Jens E. L. Van Gysel, Tim O’Gorman, Andrew Cowell, Rosa Vallejos, William Croft Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2020 pdf
184 InfoForager: Leveraging Semantic Search with AMR for COVID-19 Research BonialClaire Bonial, Stephanie M. Lukin, David Doughty, Steven Hill, Clare Voss Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2020 pdf
185 One SPRING to Rule Them Both: Symmetric AMR Semantic Parsing and Generation without a Complex Pipeline BevilacquaMichele Bevilacqua, Rexhina Blloshmi, Roberto Navigli AAAI 2021 pdf, code
186 Leveraging Non-Specialists for Accurate and Time Efficient AMR Annotation MartinMary Martin, Cecilia Mauceri, Martha Palmer, Christoffer Heckman Citizen Linguistics in Language Resource Development Workshop 2020 pdf
187 Structural Adapters in Pretrained Language Models for AMR-to-text Generation RibeiroLeonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Yue Zhang, Iryna Gurevych preprint 2021 arXiv
188 Promoting Graph Awareness in Linearized Graph-to-Text Generation HoyleAlexander Hoyle, Ana Marasović, Noah Smith preprint 2020 arXiv
189 Parsing Indonesian Sentence into Abstract Meaning Representation using Machine Learning Approach IlmyAdylan Roaffa Ilmy, Masayu Leylia Khodra preprint 2021 arXiv
190 AMR Parsing with Action-Pointer Transformer ZhouJiawei Zhou, Tahira Naseem, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Radu Florian NAACL-HLT 2021 pdf arXiv
191 Probabilistic, Structure-Aware Algorithms for Improved Variety, Accuracy, and Coverage of AMR Alignments BlodgettAustin Blodgett, Nathan Schneider ACL-IJCNLP 2021 data/code, pdf arXiv
192 Builder, we have done it: Evaluating & Extending Dialogue-AMR NLU Pipeline for Two Collaborative Domains BonialClaire Bonial, Mitchell Abrams, David Traum, Clare Voss IWCS 2021 pdf
193 Making Better Use of Bilingual Information for Cross-Lingual AMR Parsing CaiYitao Cai, Zhe Lin, Xiaojun Wan Findings of ACL 2021 pdf arXiv
194 Translate, then Parse! A strong baseline for Cross-Lingual AMR Parsing UhrigSarah Uhrig, Yoalli Rezepka Garcia, Juri Opitz, Anette Frank IWPT 2021 pdf arXiv
195 HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus BastianelliEmanuele Bastianelli, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce, Luca Iocchi, Roberto Basili, Daniele Nardi LREC 2014 pdf
196 Character-based Neural Semantic Parsing NoordRik van Noord Ph.D. thesis, University of Groningen 2021 pdf
197 An Improved Approach for Semantic Graph Composition with CCG BlodgettAustin Blodgett, Nathan Schneider IWCS 2019 pdf arXiv
198 Improving Event Detection with Abstract Meaning Representation LiXiang Li, Thien Huu Nguyen, Kai Cao, Ralph Grishman Workshop on Computing News Storylines 2015 pdf
199 Abstract Meaning Representation Guided Graph Encoding and Decoding for Joint Information Extraction ZhangZixuan Zhang, Heng Ji NAACL 2021 pdf
200 Multitask Parsing Across Semantic Representations HershcovichDaniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend, Ari Rappoport ACL 2018 pdf
201 Abstract meaning representation for legal documents: an empirical research on a human-annotated dataset VuSinh Trong Vu, Minh Le Nguyen, Ken Satoh Artificial Intelligence and Law 2021 pdf
202 An empirical evaluation of AMR parsing for legal documents TrongSinh Vu Trong, Minh Nguyen Le preprint 2018 arXiv
203 Levi Graph AMR Parser using Heterogeneous Attention HeHan He, Jinho D. Choi IWPT 2021 pdf arXiv
204 Semantic Representation for Dialogue Modeling BaiXuefeng Bai, Yulong Chen, Linfeng Song, Yue Zhang ACL 2021 pdf
205 Structure-aware Fine-tuning of Sequence-to-sequence Transformers for Transition-based AMR Parsing ZhouJiawei Zhou, Tahira Naseem, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Young-Suk Lee, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos EMNLP 2021 pdf
206 JAMRED: a Japanese abstract meaning representation editor WiniwarterWerner Winiwarter iiWAS 2015 pdf
207 Improving Neural Machine Translation with AMR Semantic Graphs NguyenLong H. B. Nguyen , Viet H. Pham, Dien Dinh Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 pdf
208 Designing a Uniform Meaning Representation for Natural Language Processing GyselJens E. L. Van Gysel, Meagan Vigus, Jayeol Chun, Kenneth Lai, Sarah Moeller, Jiarui Yao, Tim O’Gorman, Andrew Cowell, William Croft, Chu-Ren Huang, Jan Hajič, James H. Martin, Stephan Oepen, Martha Palmer, James Pustejovsky, Rosa Vallejos, Nianwen Xue Künstliche Intelligenz 2021 pdf
209 Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsing as Transduction ZhangSheng Zhang, Xutai Ma, Kevin Duh, Benjamin Van Durme EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 pdf arXiv
210 Bootstrapping Multilingual AMR with Contextual Word Alignments ShethJanaki Sheth, Young-Suk Lee, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Tahira Naseem, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos, Todd Ward EACL 2021 pdf arXiv
211 ASQ: Automatically Generating Question-Answer Pairs using AMRs RakshitGeetanjali Rakshit, Jeffrey Flanigan preprint 2021 arXiv
212 The State of the Art in Semantic Representation AbendOmri Abend, Ari Rappoport ACL 2017 pdf
213 SGL: Speaking the Graph Languages of Semantic Parsing via Multilingual Translation ProcopioLuigi Procopio, Rocco Tripodi, Roberto Navigli NAACL 2021 pdf
214 Dependency Patterns of Complex Sentences and Semantic Disambiguation for Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing YamamotoYuki Yamamoto, Yuji Matsumoto, Taro Watanabe *SEM 2021 pdf
215 Fine-grained Information Extraction from Biomedical Literature based on Knowledge-enriched Abstract Meaning Representation ZhangZixuan Zhang, Nikolaus Parulian, Heng Ji, Ahmed S. Elsayed, Skatje Myers, Martha Palmer ACL 2021 pdf
216 Incorporating EDS Graph for AMR Parsing ShouZiyi Shou, Fangzhen Lin *SEM 2021 pdf
217 End-to-End AMR Coreference Resolution FuQiankun Fu, Linfeng Song, Wenyu Du, Yue Zhang ACL 2021 pdf
218 XLPT-AMR: Cross-Lingual Pre-Training via Multi-Task Learning for Zero-Shot AMR Parsing and Text Generation XuDongqin Xu, Junhui Li, Muhua Zhu, Min Zhang, Guodong Zhou ACL 2021 pdf
219 Learning compositional structures for semantic graph parsing GroschwitzJonas Groschwitz, Meaghan Fowlie, Alexander Koller SPNLP 2021 pdf arXiv
220 Weisfeiler-Leman in the BAMBOO: Novel AMR Graph Metrics and a Benchmark for AMR Graph Similarity OpitzJuri Opitz, Angel Daza, Anette Frank TACL 2021 pdf, code arXiv
221 Latent Tree Decomposition Parsers for AMR-to-Text Generation JinLisa Jin, Daniel Gildea preprint 2021 arXiv
222 Tree Decomposition Attention for AMR-to-Text Generation JinLisa Jin, Daniel Gildea preprint 2021 arXiv
223 Automatic Comprehension of Geometry Problems using AMR Parser IordanAnca-Elena Iordan International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 2021 pdf
224 Semantic-Based Opinion Summarization InácioMarcio Lima Inácio, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo RANLP 2021 pdf, code
225 Hierarchical Curriculum Learning for AMR Parsing WangPeiyi Wang, Liang Chen, Tianyu Liu, Baobao Chang, Zhifang Sui preprint 2021 arXiv
226 An analysis of document graph construction methods for AMR summarization LeeFei-Tzin Lee, Chris Kedzie, Nakul Verma, Kathleen McKeown preprint 2021 arXiv
227 Comparing Czech and English AMRs UresovaZ. Uresova, J. Hajic, O. Bojar Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing 2014 pdf
228 Graph-to-Graph Translations To Augment Abstract Meaning Representation Tense And Aspect BakalMollie F. Bakal B.S. Thesis University of Michigan 2021 pdf
229 Representing Implicit Positive Meaning of Negated Statements in AMR SteinKatharina Stein, Lucia Donatelli The Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop 2021 pdf
230 Classifying Divergences in Cross-lingual AMR Pairs WeinShira Wein, Nathan Schneider The Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop 2021 pdf, data
231 Intensionalizing Abstract Meaning Representations: Non-Veridicality and Scope WilliamsonGregor Williamson, Patrick Elliott, Yuxin Ji The Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop 2021 pdf
232 Referenceless Parsing-Based Evaluation of AMR-to-English Generation ManningEmma Manning, Nathan Schneider Eval4NLP Workshop 2021 pdf
233 Learning to Transpile AMR into SPARQL BorneaMihaela Bornea, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Tahira Naseem, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Ibrahim Abdelaziz, Pavan Kapanipathi, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos preprint 2021 arXiv
234 Maximum Bayes Smatch Ensemble Distillation for AMR Parsing LeeYoung-Suk Lee, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Thanh Lam Hoang, Tahira Naseem, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos NAACL 2022 pdf arXiv
235 DocAMR: Multi-Sentence AMR Representation and Evaluation NaseemTahira Naseem, Austin Blodgett, Sadhana Kumaravel, Tim O'Gorman, Young-Suk Lee, Jeffrey Flanigan, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos, Nathan Schneider NAACL 2022 pdf arXiv
236 SEMA: an Extended Semantic Evaluation Metric for AMR AnchietaRafael T. Anchieta, Marco A. S. Cabezudo, Thiago A. S. Pardo CICLing 2019 pdf
237 How Curriculum Learning Performs on AMR Parsing BuiMinh-Quan Bui, Vu Tran, Ha-Thanh Nguyen, Tran-Binh Dang, Le-Minh Nguyen 13th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE) 2021 pdf
238 From Requirements as AMR-like Graphs to Automata-Based Reasoning LamercerieAurélien Lamercerie, Annie Foret [Research Report] Université de Rennes 2021 pdf
239 StreamSide: A Fully-Customizable Open-Source Toolkit for Efficient Annotation of Meaning Representations ChoiJinho D. Choi, Gregor Williamson preprint 2021 arXiv
240 AMR-CNN: Abstract Meaning Representation with Convolution Neural Network for Toxic Content Detection ElbasaniErmal Elbasani, Jeong-Dong Kim Journal of Web Engineering 2022 pdf
241 Ensembling Graph Predictions for AMR Parsing LamHoang Thanh Lam, Gabriele Picco, Yufang Hou, Young-Suk Lee, Lam M. Nguyen, Dzung T. Phan, Vanessa Lopez, Ramon Fernandez Astudillo NeurIPS 2021 pdf, code arXiv
242 BabelNet Meaning Representation: A Fully Semantic Formalism to Overcome Language Barriers NavigliRoberto Navigli, Rexhina Blloshmi, Abelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo AAAI 2022 pdf
243 Graph Pre-training for AMR Parsing and Generation BaiXuefeng Bai, Yulong Chen, Yue Zhang ACL 2022 pdf, code arXiv
244 Polynomial Graph Parsing with Non-Structural Reentrancies BjörklundJohanna Björklund, Frank Drewes, Anna Jonsson preprint 2021 arXiv
245 Dynamic Semantic Graph Construction and Reasoning for Explainable Multi-hop Science Question Answering XuWeiwen Xu, Huihui Zhang, Deng Cai and Wai Lam Findings of ACL: ACL-IJCNLP 2021 pdf
246 Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation: Annotation of a General Corpus WeinShira Wein, Lucia Donatelli, Ethan Ricker, Calvin Engstrom, Alex Nelson, Nathan Schneider NEJLT 2022 pdf arXiv
247 Persian Abstract Meaning Representation TakhshidReza Takhshid, Razieh Shojaei, Zahra Azin, Mohammad Bahrani preprint 2022 arXiv
248 Towards Turkish Abstract Meaning Representation AzinZahra Azin, Gülşen Eryiğit ACL Student Research Workshop 2019 pdf
249 Abstract meaning representation of Turkish OralElif Oral, Ali Acar, Gülşen Eryiğit Natural Language Engineering 2022 pdf
250 FactGraph: Evaluating Factuality in Summarization with Semantic Graph Representations RibeiroLeonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Mengwen Liu, Iryna Gurevych, Markus Dreyer, Mohit Bansal preprint 2022 arXiv
251 DEAM: Dialogue Coherence Evaluation using AMR-based Semantic Manipulations GhazarianSarik Ghazarian, Nuan Wen, Aram Galstyan, Nanyun Peng ACL 2022 pdf arXiv
252 Dialogue Meaning Representation for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems HuXiangkun Hu, Junqi Dai, Hang Yan, Yi Zhang, Qipeng Guo, Xipeng Qiu, Zheng Zhang preprint 2022 arXiv
253 ATP: AMRize Then Parse! Enhancing AMR Parsing with PseudoAMRs ChenLiang Chen, Peiyi Wang, Runxin Xu, Tianyu Liu, Zhifang Sui, Baobao Chang Findings of NAACL 2022 pdf arXiv
254 AMR Alignment for Morphologically-rich and Pro-drop Languages OralK. Elif Oral, Gülşen Eryiğit ACL Student Research Workshop 2022 pdf
255 AMR-DA: Data Augmentation by Abstract Meaning Representation ShouZiyi Shou, Yuxin Jiang, Fangzhen Lin Findings of ACL 2022 pdf
256 Variational Graph Autoencoding as Cheap Supervision for AMR Coreference Resolution LiIrene Li, Linfeng Song, Kun Xu, Dong Yu ACL 2022 pdf
257 Inducing and Using Alignments for Transition-based AMR Parsing DrozdovAndrew Drozdov, Jiawei Zhou, Radu Florian, Andrew McCallum, Tahira Naseem, Yoon Kim, Ramon Fernandez Astudillo NAACL 2022 pdf arXiv
258 A Two-Stream AMR-enhanced Model for Document-level Event Argument Extraction XuRunxin Xu, Peiyi Wang, Tianyu Liu, Shuang Zeng, Baobao Chang, Zhifang Sui NAACL 2022 pdf arXiv
259 Rewarding Semantic Similarity under Optimized Alignments for AMR-to-Text Generation JinLisa Jin, Daniel Gildea ACL 2022 pdf
260 RepGraph: Visualising and Analysing Meaning Representation Graphs CohenJaron Cohen, Roy Cohen, Edan Toledo, Jan Buys EMNLP (Demo session) 2021 pdf
261 Multilingual AMR Parsing with Noisy Knowledge Distillation CaiDeng Cai, Xin Li, Jackie Chun-Sing Ho, Lidong Bing, Wai Lam Findings of EMNLP 2021 pdf
262 Stacked AMR Parsing with Silver Data XiaQingrong Xia, Zhenghua Li, Rui Wang, Min Zhang Findings of EMNLP 2021 pdf
263 Smelting Gold and Silver for Improved Multilingual AMR-to-Text Generation RibeiroLeonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Jonas Pfeiffer, Yue Zhang, Iryna Gurevych EMNLP 2021 pdf
264 Theoretical and Practical Issues in the Semantic Annotation of Four Indigenous Languages GyselJens E. L. Van Gysel, Meagan Vigus, Lukas Denk, Andrew Cowell, Rosa Vallejos, Tim O’Gorman, William Croft The Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop 2021 pdf
265 AutoAspect: Automatic Annotation of Tense and Aspect for Uniform Meaning Representations ChenDaniel Chen, Martha Palmer, Meagan Vigus The Joint 15th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW) and 3rd Designing Meaning Representations (DMR) Workshop 2021 pdf
266 UMR-Writer: A Web Application for Annotating Uniform Meaning Representations ZhaoJin Zhao, Nianwen Xue, Jens Van Gysel, Jinho D. Choi EMNLP (Demo session) 2021 pdf
267 Explainable Unsupervised Argument Similarity Rating with Abstract Meaning Representation and Conclusion Generation OpitzJuri Opitz, Philipp Heinisch, Philipp Wiesenbach, Philipp Cimiano, Anette Frank Argument Mining Workshop 2021 pdf
268 A tale of four parsers: methodological reflections on diagnostic evaluation and in‐depth error analysis for meaning representation parsing BuljanMaja Buljan, Joakim Nivre, Stephan Oepen, Lilja Øvrelid Language Resources and Evaluation 2022 pdf
269 Effect of Source Language on AMR Structure WeinShira Wein, Wai Ching Leung, Yifu Mu, Nathan Schneider The 16th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVI) 2022 pdf
270 How much of UCCA can be predicted from AMR? PavlovaSiyana Pavlova, Maxime Amblard, Bruno Guillaume ISA-18 2022 pdf
271 Automatic Enrichment of Abstract Meaning Representations JiYuxin Ji, Gregor Williamson, Jinho D. Choi The 16th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVI) 2022 pdf
272 Guiding transformer to generate graph structure for AMR parsing NiuRunliang Niu, Qi Wang International Conference on Neural Networks, Information, and Communication Engineering (NNICE) 2022 pdf
273 Enhancements on a Pipeline Approach for Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing FrasieAlexandru Frasie, Nicoleta-Teodora Vezan, Georgiana Marian, Florin Macicasan, Camelia Lemnaru Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS,volume 1600) 2022 pdf
274 Transition-based Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing with Contextual Embeddings LiangYichao Liang preprint 2022 arXiv
275 Interpretable AMR-Based Question Decomposition for Multi-hop Question Answering DengZhenyun Deng, Yonghua Zhu, Yang Chen, Michael Witbrock, Patricia Riddle IJCAI 2022 pdf arXiv
276 Improving Neural Machine Translation with the Abstract Meaning Representation by Combining Graph and Sequence Transformers LiChangmao Li, Jeffrey Flanigan 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing (DLG4NLP) 2022 pdf arXiv
277 Graph Querying for Semantic Annotations AmblardMaxime Amblard, Bruno Guillaume, Siyana Pavlova, Guy Perrier 18th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA) 2022 pdf
278 Dialogue-AMR Parsing Pipeline AbramsMitchell Abrams, Claire Bonial, Clare Voss DEVCOM ARL Public Release 2022 pdf
279 SBERT studies Meaning Representations: Decomposing Sentence Embeddings into Explainable AMR Meaning Features OpitzJuri Opitz, Anette Frank AACL 2022 pdf arXiv
280 Multilingual Abstract Meaning Representation for Celtic Languages HeineckeJohannes Heinecke, Anastasia Shimorina The 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 4) 2022 pdf
281 Cross-lingual AMR Aligner: Paying Attention to Cross-Attention CabotPere-Lluís Huguet Cabot, Abelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Roberto Navigli Findings of ACL 2023 pdf arXiv
282 Align-smatch: A Novel Evaluation Method for Chinese Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing based on Alignment of Concept and Relation XiaoLiming Xiao, Bin Li, Zhixing Xu, Kairui Huo, Minxuan Feng, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu LREC 2022 pdf
283 Abstract Meaning Representation for Gesture BruttiRichard Brutti, Lucia Donatelli, Kenneth Lai, James Pustejovsky LREC 2022 pdf
284 Universal Semantic Annotator: the First Unified API for WSD, SRL and Semantic Parsing OrlandoRiccardo Orlando, Simone Conia, Stefano Faralli, Roberto Navigli LREC 2022 pdf
285 Scene Graph Parsing via Abstract Meaning Representation in Pre-trained Language Models ChoiWoo Suk Choi, Yu-Jung Heo, Dharani Punithan, Byoung-Tak Zhang 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing (DLG4NLP) 2022 pdf
286 Sequence-to-sequence AMR Parsing with Ancestor Information YuChen Yu, Daniel Gildea ACL 2022 pdf
287 Text summarization based on semantic graphs: An abstract meaning representation graph-to-text deep learning approach KourisPanagiotis Kouris, Georgios Alexandridis, Andreas Stafylopatis preprint 2022 arXiv
288 The AMR-PT corpus and the semantic annotation of challenging sentences from journalistic and opinion texts InácioMarcio Lima Inácio, Marco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Renata Ramisch, Ariani Di Felippo, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo preprint 2022 arXiv
289 Accounting for Language Effect in the Evaluation of Cross-lingual AMR Parsers WeinShira Wein, Nathan Schneider COLING 2022 pdf
290 BiBL: AMR Parsing and Generation with Bidirectional Bayesian Learning ChengZiming Cheng, Zuchao Li, Hai Zhao COLING 2022 pdf
291 AMRTVSumm: AMR-augmented Hierarchical Network for TV Transcript Summarization HuaYilun Hua, Zhaoyuan Deng, Zhijie Xu Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Creative Writing (CreativeSumm) 2022 pdf
292 Semantic-based Pre-training for Dialogue Understanding BaiXuefeng Bai, Linfeng Song, Yue Zhang COLING 2022 pdf
293 Cross-domain Generalization for AMR Parsing BaiXuefeng Bai, Seng Yang, Leyang Cui, Linfeng Song, Yue Zhang EMNLP 2022 pdf arXiv
294 Universal Semantic Annotator NavigliRoberto Navigli, Riccardo Orlando, Cesare Campagnano, Simone Conia European Language Grid 2022 pdf
295 Better Smatch = Better Parser? AMR evaluation is not so simple anymore OpitzJuri Opitz, Anette Frank Eval4NLP 2022 pdf
296 A Tour of Explicit Multilingual Semantics: Word Sense Disambiguation, Semantic Role Labeling and Semantic Parsing NavigliRoberto Navigli, Edoardo Barba, Simone Conia, Rexhina Blloshmi AACL-IJCNLP (Tutorial) 2022 pdf
297 A Dynamic, Interpreted CheckList for Meaning-oriented NLG Metric Evaluation – through the Lens of Semantic Similarity Rating ZeidlerLaura Zeidler, Juri Opitz, Anette Frank *SEM 2022 pdf
298 The Joint Training of Transition-Based AMR Parser XuGuangxuan Xu MSc thesis, University of California Los Angeles 2022 pdf
299 An in-depth look at Euclidean disk embeddings for structure preserving parsing FancelluFederico Fancellu, Lan Xiao, Allan Jepson, Afsaneh Fazly BlackboxNLP 2021 pdf
300 KnowUREnvironment: An Automated Knowledge Graph for Climate Change and Environmental Issues IslamMd Saiful Islam, Adiba Proma, Yilin Zhou, Syeda Nahida Akter, Caleb Wohn, Ehsan Hoque AAAI Fall Symposium 2022 pdf, code
301 Retrofitting Multilingual Sentence Embeddings with Abstract Meaning Representation CaiDeng Cai, Xin Li, Jackie Chun-Sing Ho, Lidong Bing, Wai Lam EMNLP 2022 code, paper arXiv
302 Semantic Similarity as a Window into Vector- and Graph-Based Metrics LeungWai Ching Leung, Shira Wein, Nathan Schneider Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM) 2022 pdf
303 T-STAR: Truthful Style Transfer using AMR Graph as Intermediate Representation JangraAnubhav Jangra, Preksha Nema, Aravindan Raghuveer EMNLP 2022 pdf
304 Can AMR Assist Legal and Logical Reasoning? SchrackNikolaus Schrack, Ruixiang Cui, Hugo López, Daniel Hershcovich Findings of EMNLP 2022 pdf
305 Strictly Breadth-First AMR Parsing YuChen Yu, Daniel Gildea preprint 2022 arXiv
306 Comparison of Cross-lingual Strategies for AMR-to- Brazilian Portuguese Generation CabezudoMarco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Rafael Torres Anchiêta, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo preprint 2023 arXiv
307 Graph Convolutional Encoders for Syntax-Aware AMR Parsing RozonoyerBenjamin Rozonoyer MSc thesis, Brandeis University 2021 pdf
308 Contextualized Formula Search Using Math Abstract Meaning Representation MansouriBehrooz Mansouri, Douglas W. Oard, Richard Zanibbi CIKM 2022 pdf arXiv
309 Exploring a POS-based Two-stage Approach for Improving Low-Resource AMR-to-Text Generation CabezudoMarco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Thiago Pardo Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM) 2022 pdf
310 Evaluation of a Semantic Search Approach based on AMR for Information Retrieval in Image Exploitation MüllerAlmuth Müller, Achim Kuwertz Workshop on Sensor Data Fusion 2022 pdf
311 A Two-Stage Method for Chinese AMR Parsing ChenLiang Chen, Bofei Gao, Baobao Chang preprint 2022 code arXiv
312 Using Structured Content Plans for Fine-grained Syntactic Control in Pretrained Language Model Generation LeeFei-Tzin Lee, Miguel Ballesteros, Feng Nan, Kathleen McKeown COLING 2022 pdf
313 Unsupervised Syntactically Controlled Paraphrase Generation with Abstract Meaning Representations HuangKuan-Hao Huang, Varun Iyer, Anoop Kumar, Sriram Venkatapathy, Kai-Wei Chang, Aram Galstyan EMNLP 2022 pdf
314 Visual Semantic Parsing: From Images to Abstract Meaning Representation AbdelsalamMohamed A. Abdelsalam, Zhan Shi, Federico Fancellu, Kalliopi Basioti, Dhaivat J. Bhatt, Vladimir Pavlovic, Afsaneh Fazly CoNLL 2022 pdf
315 Measuring Fine-Grained Semantic Equivalence with Abstract Meaning Representation WeinShira Wein, Zhuxin Wang, Nathan Schneider IWCS 2023 pdf arXiv
316 Large-scale AMR Corpus with Re-generated Sentences: Domain Adaptive Pre-training on ACL Anthology Corpus ZhaoMing Zhao, Yaling Wang, Yves Lepage International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information System (ICACSIS) 2022 pdf
317 From Graph to Graph: AMR to SPARQL ShivashankarKanchan Shivashankar, Khaoula Benmaarouf, Nadine Steinmetz Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data (NLIWoD) 2022 pdf
318 Indonesian AMR-to-Text Generation by Language Model Fine-tuning DaryantoTaufiq Husada Daryanto, Masayu Leylia Khodra International Conference of Advanced Informatics: Concept, Theory and Application (ICAICTA) 2022 pdf
319 Mapping AMR to UMR: Resources for Adapting Existing Corpora for Cross-Lingual Compatibility BonnJulia Bonn, Skatje Myers, Jens E. L. Van Gysel, Lukas Denk, Meagan Vigus, Jin Zhao, Andrew Cowell, William Croft, Jan Hajič, James H. Martin, Alexis Palmer, Martha Palmer, James Pustejovsky, Zdenka Urešová, Rosa Vallejos, Nianwen Xue TLT, GURT/SyntaxFest 2023 pdf
320 Predicates and entities in Abstract Meaning Representation VenantAntoine Venant, François Lareau Depling (GURT/Syntaxfest) 2023 pdf
321 Cogito Ergo Summ: Abstractive Summarization of Biomedical Papers via Semantic Parsing Graphs and Consistency Rewards FrisoniGiacomo Frisoni, Paolo Italiani, Stefano Salvatori, Gianluca Moro AAAI 2023 pdf
322 Investigating the Effect of Relative Positional Embeddings on AMR-to-Text Generation with Structural Adapters MontellaSebastien Montella, Alexis Nasr, Johannes Heinecke, Frederic Bechet, Lina M. Rojas-Barahona EACL 2023 pdf arXiv
323 xAMR: Cross-lingual AMR End-to-End Pipeline MitreskaMaja Mitreska, Tashko Pavlov, Kostadin Mishev, Monika Simjanoska 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications 2022 pdf
324 Multiset and DAG Automata for Abstract Meaning Representation DeBenedettoJustin Donald DeBenedetto Ph.D. thesis, University of Notre Dame 2021 pdf
325 A Python-based system for Verbalizing AMR Structures LapalmeGuy Lapalme preprint 2019 arXiv
326 Distant context aware text generation from abstract meaning representation YangSen Yang, Dawei Feng, Yang Liu, Dongsheng Li Applied Intelligence 2022 pdf
327 Multidocument Abstractive Summarization using Abstract Meaning Representation for Indonesian Language SeverinaVerena Severina, Masayu Leylia Khodra International Conference of Advanced Informatics: Concept, Theory and Application (ICAICTA) 2019 pdf
328 A Method of Semantic Redundant Information Filtering for Abstract Meaning Representation Graph MingTuosiyu Ming, Hongchang Chen, Yizhuo Yang International Conference on Data Science and Business Analytics (ICDSBA) 2018 pdf
329 Towards Timeline Generation with Abstract Meaning Representation MansouriBehrooz Mansouri, Ricardo Campos, Adam Jatowt Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference (WWW) 2023 pdf
330 SMATCH++: Standardized and Extended Evaluation of Semantic Graphs OpitzJuri Opitz Findings of EACL 2023 pdf
331 Leveraging Abstract Meaning Representation for Knowledge Base Question Answering KapanipathiPavan Kapanipathi, Ibrahim Abdelaziz, Srinivas Ravishankar, Salim Roukos, Alexander Gray, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Maria Chang, Cristina Cornelio, Saswati Dana, Achille Fokoue, Dinesh Garg, Alfio Gliozzo, Sairam Gurajada, Hima Karanam, Naweed Khan, Dinesh Khandelwal, Young-Suk Lee, Yunyao Li, Francois Luus, Ndivhuwo Makondo, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Tahira Naseem, Sumit Neelam, Lucian Popa, Revanth Gangi Reddy, Ryan Riegel, Gaetano Rossiello, Udit Sharma, G P Shrivatsa Bhargav, Mo Yu Findings of ACL 2021 pdf
332 AMR Parsing with Instruction Fine-tuned Pre-trained Language Models LeeYoung-Suk Lee, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Radu Florian, Tahira Naseem, Salim Roukos preprint 2023 arXiv
333 Improving AMR parsing by exploiting the dependency parsing as an auxiliary task WuTaizhong Wu, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu, Yanhui Gu, Bin Li, Huilin Zhong, Yunfei Long Multimedia Tools and Applications 2020 pdf
334 Bridging Semantic Frameworks: mapping DRS onto AMR PavlovaSiyana Pavlova, Maxime Amblard, Bruno Guillaume IWCS 2023 pdf
335 AMR4NLI: Interpretable and robust NLI measures from semantic graphs OpitzJuri Opitz, Shira Wein, Julius Steen, Anette Frank, Nathan Schneider IWCS 2023 pdf
336 SMARAGD: Learning SMatch for Accurate and Rapid Approximate Graph Distance OpitzJuri Opitz, Philipp Meier, Anette Frank IWCS 2023 pdf
337 Error Exploration for Automatic Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing BoritchevMaria Boritchev, Johannes Heinecke IWCS 2023 pdf
338 The Sequence Notation: Catching Complex Meanings in Simple Graphs BosJohan Bos IWCS 2023 pdf
339 Use Defines Possibilities: Reasoning about Object Function to Interpret and Execute Robot Instructions ShichmanMollie Shichman, Claire Bonial, Austin Blodgett, Taylor Hudson, Francis Ferraro, Rachel Rudinger IWCS 2023 pdf
340 Exploiting Abstract Meaning Representation for Open-Domain Question Answering WangCunxiang Wang, Zhikun Xu, Qipeng Guo, Xiangkun Hu, Xuefeng Bai, Zheng Zhang, Yue Zhang ACL 2023 pdf arXiv
341 metAMoRphosED: a graphical editor for Abstract Meaning Representation HeineckeJohannes Heinecke ISA19@IWCS 2023 pdf
342 Referenceless Evaluation of Natural Language Generation from Meaning Representations ManningEmma Manning Ph.D. Thesis, Georgetown University 2021 pdf
343 Integrating Syntactic and Semantic Knowledge in AMR Parsing with Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network SataerYikemaiti Sataer, Chuanqi Shi, Miao Gao, Yunlong Fan, Bin Li, Zhiqiang Gao ICASSP 2023 pdf
344 Linguistic representations for fewer-shot relation extraction across domains GururajaSireesh Gururaja, Ritam Dutt, Tinglong Liao, Carolyn Rosé ACL 2023 pdf arXiv
345 Learning Symbolic Rules over Abstract Meaning Representations for Textual Reinforcement Learning ChaudhurySubhajit Chaudhury, Sarathkrishna Swaminathan, Daiki Kimura, Prithviraj Sen, Keerthiram Murugesan, Rosario Uceda-Sosa, Michiaki Tatsubori, Achille Fokoue, Pavan Kapanipathi, Asim Munawar, Alexander Gray ACL 2023 pdf
346 ParaAMR: A Large-Scale Syntactically Diverse Paraphrase Dataset by AMR Back-Translation HuangKuan-Hao Huang, Varun Iyer, I-Hung Hsu, Anoop Kumar, Kai-Wei Chang, Aram Galstyan ACL 2023 pdf
347 Incorporating Graph Information in Transformer-based AMR Parsing VasylenkoPavlo Vasylenko, Pere-Lluís Huguet Cabot, Abelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Roberto Navigli Findings of ACL 2023 pdf
348 AMR-based Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis MaFukun Ma, Xuming Hu, Aiwei Liu, Yawen Yang, Shuang Li, Philip S. Yu, Lijie Wen ACL 2023 pdf
349 An AMR-based Link Prediction Approach for Document-level Event Argument Extraction YangYuqing Yang, Qipeng Guo, Xiangkun Hu, Yue Zhang, Xipeng Qiu, Zheng Zhang ACL 2023 pdf
350 Evaluate AMR Graph Similarity via Self-supervised Learning ShouZiyi Shou, Fangzhen Lin ACL 2023 pdf
351 AMPERE: AMR-Aware Prefix for Generation-Based Event Argument Extraction Model HsuI-Hung Hsu, Zhiyu Xie, Kuan-Hao Huang, Prem Natarajan, Nanyun Peng ACL 2023 pdf
352 AMRs Assemble! Learning to Ensemble with Autoregressive Models for AMR Parsing LorenzoAbelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Pere Lluís Huguet Cabot, Roberto Navigli ACL 2023 pdf
353 Cross-lingual AMR Aligner: Paying Attention to Cross-Attention LorenzoAbelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Pere Lluís Huguet Cabot, Roberto Navigli Findings of ACL 2023 pdf
354 AMR-TST: Abstract Meaning Representation-based Text Style Transfer ShiKaize Shi, Xueyao Sun, Li He, Dingxian Wang, Qing Li, Guandong Xu Findings of ACL 2023 pdf
355 Learning from a Friend: Improving Event Extraction via Self-Training with Feedback from Abstract Meaning Representation XuZhiyang Xu, Jay-Yoon Lee, Lifu Huang Findings of ACL 2023 pdf
356 Leveraging Denoised Abstract Meaning Representation for Grammatical Error Correction CaoHejing Cao, Dongyan Zhao Findings of ACL 2023 pdf arXiv
357 Towards Situated AMR: Creating a Corpus of Gesture AMR DonatelliLucia Donatelli, Kenneth Lai, Richard Brutti, James Pustejovsky International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2022 pdf
358 From text to graph: a general transition-based AMR parsing using neural network GuMin Gu, Yanhui Gu, Weilan Luo, Guandong Xu, Zhenglu Yang, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu Neural Computing and Applications 2021 pdf
359 Slide, Constrain, Parse, Repeat: Synchronous SlidingWindows for Document AMR Parsing KumaravelSadhana Kumaravel, Tahira Naseem, Ramon Fernandez Astudillo, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos preprint 2023 arXiv
360 Entity Linking for KGQA Using AMR Graphs SteinmetzNadine Steinmetz European Semantic Web Conference 2023 pdf
361 English Semantic Recognition Based on Abstract Meaning Representation and Vector Space Model GaoYu Han Gao Journal of Physics 2018 pdf
362 Employing Abstract Meaning Representation to Lay the Last-Mile Toward Reading Comprehension GalitskyBoris Galitsky Artificial Intelligence for Customer Relationship Management 2020 pdf
363 From Shallow to Whole-Sentence Semantics: Semantic Parsing in English and Beyond BlloshmiRexhina Blloshmi Ph.D. Thesis, Sapienza University of Rome 2022 pdf
364 Linguistic Interpretability and Composition of Abstract Meaning Representations BlodgettAustin Blodgett Ph.D. Thesis, Georgetown University 2021 pdf
365 Transductive Semantic Parsing ZhangSheng Zhang Ph.D. Thesis, The Johns Hopkins University 2020 pdf
366 Aligning English Sentences with Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs using Inductive Logic Programming AgarwalShubham Agarwal Ph.D. Thesis, Arizona State University 2017 pdf
367 Natural Language Understanding: Deep Learning for Abstract Meaning Representation FolandWilliam Roger Foland, Jr. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Colorado Boulder 2017 pdf
368 Structural and Global Features for Comparing Semantic Representation Formalisms PavlovaSiyana Pavlova, Maxime Amblard, Bruno Guillaume Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2023 pdf
369 Comparing UMR and Cross-lingual Adaptations of AMR WeinShira Wein, Julia Bonn Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2023 pdf
370 Abstract Meaning Representation for Grounded Human-Robot Communication BonialClaire Bonial, Julie Foresta, Nicholas C. Fung, Cory J. Hayes, Philip Osteen, Jacob Arkin, Benned Hedegaard, Thomas M. Howard Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2023 pdf
371 Annotating Situated Actions in Dialogue TamChristopher Tam, Richard Brutti, Kenneth Lai, James Pustejovsky Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2023 pdf
372 From Sentence to Action: Splitting AMR Graphs for Recipe Instructions SteinKatharina Stein, Lucia Donatelli, Alexander Koller Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2023 pdf
373 MR4AP: Meaning Representation for Application Purposes GiordanoBastien Giordano, Cédric Lopez Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2023 pdf
374 Claim Extraction via Subgraph Matching over Modal and Syntactic Dependencies RozonoyerBenjamin Rozonoyer, Michael Selvaggio, David Zajic, Ilana Heintz Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2023 pdf
375 Understanding Disrupted Sentences Using Underspecified Abstract Meaning Representation AddleseeAngus Addlesee, Marco Damonte Interspeech 2023 pdf
376 Semantic Representation Using Sub-Symbolic Knowledge in Commonsense Reasoning OhDongsuk Oh, Jungwoo Lim, Kinam Park, Heuiseok Lim Applied Sciences 2022 pdf
377 Inductive Model Using Abstract Meaning Representation for Text Classification via Graph Neural Networks OgawaTakuro Ogawa, Ryosuke Saga Human Interface and the Management of Information 2023 pdf
378 Fully-Semantic Parsing and Generation: the BabelNet Meaning Representation LorenzoAbelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Marco Maru, and Roberto Navigli ACL 2022 pdf
379 Concept Identification with Sequence-to-Sequence Models in Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing BatizOrsolya Bernadett Batiz, Robert Paul Helmer, Roxana Pop, Florin Macicasan, Camelia Lemnaru IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP) 2020 pdf
380 Semantic Transformations across Natural Languages and Abstract Meaning Representation CaiDeng Cai Ph.D. thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2022 pdf
381 From Sentences to Documents: Extending Abstract Meaning Representation for Understanding Documents MoredaPaloma Moreda, Armando Suárez, Elena Lloret, Estela Saquete, Isabel Moreno Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2017 pdf
382 System Report for CCL23-Eval Task 2: WestlakeNLP, Investigating Generative Large Language Models for Chinese AMR Parsing GaoWenyang Gao, Xuefeng Bai, Yue Zhang Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics 2023 pdf
383 Document-level relation extraction based on sememe knowledge-enhanced abstract meaning representation and reasoning ZhaoQihui Zhao, Tianhan Gao, Nan Guo Complex & Intelligent Systems 2023 pdf
384 Understanding Disrupted Sentences Using Underspecified Abstract Meaning Representation AddleseeAngus Addlesee, Marco Damonte Interspeech 2023 pdf, code
385 Bridging the Gap between Synthetic and Natural Questions via Sentence Decomposition for Semantic Parsing NiuYilin Niu, Fei Huang, Wei Liu, Jianwei Cui, Bin Wang, Minlie Huang TACL 2023 pdf
386 FakEDAMR: Fake News Detection using Abstract Meaning Representation GuptaShubham Gupta, Narendra Yadav, Sankepally Sainath Reddy, Suman Kundu preprint 2023 arXiv
387 Widely Interpretable Semantic Representation: Frameless Meaning Representation for Broader Applicability FengLydia Feng, Gregor Williamson, Han He, Jinho D. Choi preprint 2023 arXiv
388 Addressing Long-Distance Dependencies in AMR Parsing with Hierarchical Clause Annotation FanYunlong Fan, Bin Li, Yikemaiti Sataer, Miao Gao, Chuanqi Shi, Zhiqiang Gao Electronics 2023 pdf
389 Guiding AMR Parsing with Reverse Graph Linearization GaoBofei Gao, Liang Chen, Peiyi Wang, Zhifang Sui, Baobao Chang Findings of EMNLP 2023 pdf arXiv
390 AMR Parsing with Causal Hierarchical Attention and Pointers LouChao Lou, Kewei Tu EMNLP 2023 pdf arXiv
391 'You Are An Expert Linguistic Annotator': Limits of LLMs as Analyzers of Abstract Meaning Representation EttingerAllyson Ettinger, Jena D. Hwang, Valentina Pyatkin, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi Findings of EMNLP 2023 pdf arXiv
392 CAMRA: Copilot for AMR Annotation CaiJon Z. Cai, Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed, Julia Bonn EMNLP System Demonstration 2023 pdf arXiv
393 Exploration and comparison of diverse approaches for integrating syntactic knowledge into AMR parsing SataerYikemaiti Sataer, Zhiqiang Gao, Yunlong Fan, Bin Li, Miao Gao, Chuanqi Shi Applied Intelligence 2023 pdf, code
394 Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) Annotation Release 1.0 KnightKevin Knight, Laura Baranescu, Claire Bonial, Madalina Georgescu, Kira Griffitt, Ulf Hermjakob, Daniel Marcu, Martha Palmer, Nathan Schneider LDC 2014 data
395 Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) Annotation Release 2.0 KnightKevin Knight, Bianca Badarau, Laura Baranescu, Claire Bonial, Madalina Bardocz, Kira Griffitt, Ulf Hermjakob, Daniel Marcu, Martha Palmer, Tim O'Gorman, Nathan Schneider LDC 2017 data
396 Chinese Abstract Meaning Representation 1.0 LiBin Li, Yuan Wen, Li Song, Rubing Dai, Weiguang Qu, Nianwen Xue LDC 2019 data
397 Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) Annotation Release 3.0 KnightKevin Knight, Bianca Badarau, Laura Baranescu, Claire Bonial, Madalina Bardocz, Kira Griffitt, Ulf Hermjakob, Daniel Marcu, Martha Palmer, Tim O'Gorman, Nathan Schneider LDC 2020 data
398 Abstract Meaning Representation 2.0 - Four Translations DamonteMarco Damonte, Shay Cohen LDC 2020 data
399 Chinese Abstract Meaning Representation 2.0 LiBin Li, Liming Xiao, Yihuan Liu, Yuan Wen, Li Song, Jayeol Chun, Minxuan Feng, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu, Nianwen Xue LDC 2021 data
400 Dialogue-AMR Annotation Guidelines BonialClaire Bonial, Clare Voss, Taylor Hudson, Lucia Donatelli, David Traum, Mitchell Abrams, Austin Blodgett DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory report 2023 pdf
401 AMR Parsing is Far from Solved: GrAPES, the Granular AMR Parsing Evaluation Suite GroschwitzJonas Groschwitz, Shay B. Cohen, Lucia Donatelli, Meaghan Fowlie EMNLP 2023 pdf, code arXiv
402 Text2AMR2FRED, a tool for transforming text into RDF/OWL Knowledge Graphs via Abstract Meaning Representation GangemiAldo Gangemi, Arianna Graciotti, Antonello Meloni, Andrea Nuzzolese, Valentina Presutti, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Alessandro Russo, Rocco Tripodi ISWC 2023 pdf
403 PAMR: Persian Abstract Meaning Representation Corpus TohidiNasim Tohidi, Chitra Dadkhah, Reza Nouralizadeh Ganji, Ehsan Ghaffari Sadr, Hoda Elmi ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 2023 pdf
404 Metrics of Graph-Based Meaning Representations with Applications from Parsing Evaluation to Explainable NLG Evaluation and Semantic Search OpitzJuri Opitz Ph.D. Thesis, Heidelberg University 2024 pdf, code
405 Cross-lingual AMR parsing based on unsupervised pre-training FanLin-yu Fan, Jun-hui Li,Fang Kong Computer Engineering & Science 2024 pdf
406 Improving Long Dialogue Summarization with Semantic Graph Representation HuaYilun Hua, Zhaoyuan Deng, Kathleen McKeown Findings of ACL 2023 pdf
407 Lost in Translationese? Reducing Translation Effect Using Abstract Meaning Representation WeinShira Wein, Nathan Schneider EACL 2024 pdf arXiv
408 X-AMR Annotation Tool AhmedShafiuddin Rehan Ahmed, Jon Z. Cai, Martha Palmer, James H. Martin EACL (Demo Session) 2024 pdf
409 Improving Medical Dialogue Generation with Abstract Meaning Representations YangBohao Yang, Chen Tang, Chenghua Lin ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2024 pdf
410 BenchCLAMP: A Benchmark for Evaluating Language Models on Syntactic and Semantic Parsing RoySubhro Roy, Sam Thomson, Tongfei Chen, Richard Shin, Adam Pauls, Jason Eisner, Benjamin Van Durme 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023) 2023 pdf
411 De-Bias Using Abstract Meaning Representation for Image Captioning KimJungeun Kim, Jangyeong Jeon, Seungjin Jung, Junyeong Kim IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2024 pdf
412 Improving the Representation of Sentences with Reinforcement Learning and AMR graph ParkJinwoo Park, Hosoo Shin, Dahee Jeong, Junyeong Kim IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2024 pdf
413 Hierarchical information matters! Improving AMR parsing with multi-granularity representation interactions SataerYikemaiti Sataer, Yunlong Fan, Bin Li, Miao Gao, Chuanqi Shi, Zhiqiang Gao Information Processing & Management 2024 pdf
414 CAPPST:Chinese AMR Parsing with Parameter-efficient Fine-tuned Pre-trained Language Model for Particular Sentence Types WuZihao Wu, Hua Yin, Yuelei Ji, Hanlin Wang, Yiliang Lu, Ziqian Gao Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing 2023 pdf
415 Neuro-symbolic Commonsense Social Reasoning ChaninDavid Chanin, Anthony Hunter preprint 2023 arXiv
416 Abstract Meaning Representation-Based Logic-Driven Data Augmentation for Logical Reasoning BaoQiming Bao, Alex Yuxuan Peng, Zhenyun Deng, Wanjun Zhong, Gael Gendron, Timothy Pistotti, Neset Tan, Nathan Young, Yang Chen, Yonghua Zhu, Paul Denny, Michael Witbrock, Jiamou Liu Findings of ACL 2024 pdf arXiv
417 Structured Information Matters: Incorporating Abstract Meaning Representation into LLMs for Improved Open-Domain Dialogue Evaluation YangBohao Yang, Kun Zhao, Chen Tang, Liang Zhan, Chenghua Lin preprint 2024 arXiv
418 AMR2FRED, A Tool for Translating Abstract Meaning Representation to Motif-Based Linguistic Knowledge Graphs MeloniAntonello Meloni, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Aldo Gangemi The Semantic Web: ESWC 2017 Satellite Events 2017 pdf
419 Abstract Meaning Representation 2.0 - Four Translations DamonteMarco Damonte, Shay Cohen LDC 2020 data
420 Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) Annotation Release 3.0 KnightKevin Knight, Bianca Badarau, Laura Baranescu, Claire Bonial, Madalina Bardocz, Kira Griffitt, Ulf Hermjakob, Daniel Marcu, Martha Palmer, Tim O'Gorman, Nathan Schneider LDC 2020 data
421 Chinese Abstract Meaning Representation 2.0 LiBin Li, Liming Xiao, Yihuan Liu, Yuan Wen, Li Song, Jayeol Chun, Minxuan Feng, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu, Nianwen Xue LDC 2021 data
422 On the Role of Summary Content Units in Text Summarization Evaluation NawrathMarcel Nawrath, Agnieszka Nowak, Tristan Ratz, Danilo C. Walenta, Juri Opitz, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, João Sedoc, Daniel Deutsch, Simon Mille, Yixin Liu, Lining Zhang, Sebastian Gehrmann, Saad Mahamood, Miruna Clinciu, Khyathi Chandu, Yufang Hou NAACL 2024 pdf arXiv
423 REMATCH: Robust and Efficient Matching of Local Knowledge Graphs to Improve Structural and Semantic Similarity KachwalaZoher Kachwala, Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak, Filippo Menczer Findings of NAACL 2024 pdf arXiv
424 Linear Cross-document Event Coreference Resolution with X-AMR AhmedShafiuddin Rehan Ahmed, George Arthur Baker, Evi Judge, Michael Reagan, Kristin Wright-Bettner, Martha Palmer, James H. Martin LREC 2024 pdf
425 YARN is All You Knit: Encoding Multiple Semantic Phenomena with Layers PavlovaSiyana Pavlova, Maxime Amblard, Bruno Guillaume Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2024 pdf
426 Evaluation of Semantic Parsing Frameworks for Automated Knowledge Base Construction VerrevMartin Verrev Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. 2023 pdf
427 Compressing Long Context for Enhancing RAG with AMR-based Concept Distillation ShiKaize Shi, Xueyao Sun, Qing Li, Guandong Xu preprint 2024 arXiv
428 Adapting Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing to the Clinical Narrative – the SPRING THYME parser CaiJon Z. Cai, Kristin Wright-Bettner, Martha Palmer, Guergana K. Savova, James H. Martin Clinical NLP Workshop 2024 pdf arXiv
429 Adapting Semantic Role Labeling to New Genres and Languages MyersSkatje Myers Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder 2023 pdf
430 Computational Structures as Neural Symbolic Representation HeHan He Ph.D. thesis, Emory University 2023 pdf
431 Building Reliable and Robust Natural Language Processing Models: Enhancing Understanding of Semantically Equivalent Texts HuangKuan-Hao Huang Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 2023 pdf
432 Generating Semantic Graphs for Natural Language ZhouJiawei Zhou Ph.D. thesis, Harvard University 2023 pdf
433 Holographic Embeddings for Text and Graphs ObisoTimothy Obiso MSc thesis, Brandeis University 2024 pdf
434 Dense Captioning Using Abstract Meaning Representation NetoAntonio M. S. Almeida Neto, Helena M. Caseli, Tiago A. Almeida Intelligent Systems 2020 pdf
435 Less is Enough: Less-Resourced Multilingual AMR Parsing VanroyBram Vanroy, Tim Van de Cruys Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA) 2024 pdf
436 Anchor and Broadcast: An Efficient Concept Alignment Approach for Evaluation of Semantic Graphs SunHaibo Sun, Nianwen Xue LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
437 ReCAP: Semantic Role Enhanced Caption Generation BhattacharyyaAbhidip Bhattacharyya, Martha Palmer, Christoffer Heckman LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
438 CALAMR: Component ALignment for Abstract Meaning Representation LandesPaul Landes, Barbara Di Eugenio LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
439 A Corpus of German Abstract Meaning Representation (DeAMR) OttoChristoph Otto, Jonas Groschwitz, Alexander Koller, Xiulin Yang, Lucia Donatelli LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
440 Leveraging AMR Graph Structure for Better Sequence-to-Sequence AMR Parsing FanLinyu Fan, Wu Wu Yiheng, Jun Xie, Junhui Li, Fang Kong, Guodong Zhou LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
441 Encoding Gesture in Multimodal Dialogue: Creating a Corpus of Multimodal AMR LaiKenneth Lai, Richard Brutti, Lucia Donatelli, James Pustejovsky LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
442 GLAMR: Augmenting AMR with GL-VerbNet Event Structure TuJingxuan Tu, Timothy Obiso, Bingyang Ye, Kyeongmin Rim, Keer Xu, Liulu Yue, Susan Windisch Brown, Martha Palmer, James Pustejovsky LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
443 Accelerating UMR Adoption: Neuro-Symbolic Conversion from AMR-to-UMR with Low Supervision PostClaire Benét Post, Marie McGregor, Maria Leonor Pacheco, Alexis Palmer Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2024 pdf
444 The Relative Clauses AMR Parsers Hate Most YangXiulin Yang, Nathan Schneider Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2024 pdf
445 Lexicalized Meaning Representation (LMR) BaptistaJorge Baptista, Sónia Reis, João Dias, Pedro A. Santos Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2024 pdf
446 Argument Sharing in Meaning Representation Parsing BuljanMaja Buljan, Lilja Øvrelid, Stephan Oepen Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2024 pdf
447 VOLARE – Visual Ontological LAnguage REpresentation WiniwarterWerner Winiwarter Designing Meaning Representations Workshop 2024 pdf
448 ABEX: Data Augmentation for Low-Resource NLU via Expanding Abstract Descriptions GhoshSreyan Ghosh, Utkarsh Tyagi, Sonal Kumar, Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru, S Ramaneswaran, S Sakshi, Dinesh Manocha ACL 2024 pdf arXiv
449 Disjunctive AMR 1.0 MarcuDaniel Marcu, Laura Banarescu, Madalina Georgescu preprint 2013 arXiv
450 AMRFACT: Enhancing Summarization Factuality Evaluation with AMR-driven Training Data Generation QiuHaoyi Qiu, Kung-Hsiang Huang, Jingnong Qu, Nanyun Peng NAACL 2024 pdf arXiv
451 Unsupervised Syntactic Text Simplification with AMR GuzhvaKostyantyn Guzhva MSc thesis, University of Alberta 2024 pdf
452 MOSAICo: a Multilingual Open-text Semantically Annotated Interlinked Corpus ConiaSimone Conia, Edoardo Barba, Abelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Pere-Lluís Huguet Cabot, Riccardo Orlando, Luigi Procopio, Roberto Navigli NAACL 2024 pdf
453 Analyzing the Role of Semantic Representations in the Era of Large Language Models JinZhijing Jin, Yuen Chen, Fernando Gonzalez, Jiarui Liu, Jiayi Zhang, Julian Michael, Bernhard Schölkopf, Mona Diab NAACL 2024 pdf
454 A Survey of Meaning Representations – From Theory to Practical Utility SadeddineZacchary Sadeddine, Juri Opitz, Fabian M. Suchanek NAACL 2024 pdf
455 Exploring Semantics in Pretrained Language Model Attention CharpentierFrédéric Charpentier, Jairo Cugliari, Adrien Guille *SEM 2024 pdf arXiv
456 Efficient AMR Parsing with CLAP: Compact Linearization with an Adaptable Parser LorenzoAbelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Roberto Navigli LREC-COLING 2024 pdf
457 Modeling an AMR Corpus using a Graph Extension Grammar OrnbergAlexander Arvidsson Ornberg B.S. Thesis Umeå University 2024 pdf
458 MASSIVE Multilingual Abstract Meaning Representation: A Dataset and Baselines for Hallucination Detection ReganMichael Regan, Shira Wein, George Baker, Emilio Monti *SEM 2024 pdf arXiv
459 Inspecting Soundness of AMR Similarity Metrics in terms of Equivalence and Inequivalence KiKyung Seo Ki, Bugeun Kim, Gahgene Gweon *SEM 2024 pdf
460 Mitigating Data Scarcity in Semantic Parsing across Languages: the Multilingual Semantic Layer and its Dataset LorenzoAbelardo Carlos Martínez Lorenzo, Pere-Luís Huguet Cabot, Karim Ghonim, Lu Xu, Hee-Soo Choi, Alberte Fernández Castro, Roberto Navigli Findings of ACL 2024 pdf
461 Semantic Graphs for Syntactic Simplification: A Revisit from the Age of LLM YaoPeiran Yao, Kostyantyn Guzhva, Denilson Barbosa TextGraphs-17 Workshop 2024 pdf arXiv
462 Can Abstract Meaning Representation Facilitate Fair Legal Judgement Predictions? VijaySupriti Vijay, Daniel Hershcovich Fifth Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP 2024 pdf
463 Document Classification via Stable Graph Patterns and Conceptual AMR Graphs ParakalEric George Parakal, Egor Dudyrev, Sergei O. Kuznetsov, Amedeo Napoli International Joint Conference on Conceptual Knowledge Structures 2024 pdf
464 Spatial Relation Extraction on AMR Enhancement and Additional Markers YangGuoqi Yang, Sheng Xu, Peifeng Li, Qiaoming Zhu International Conference on Intelligent Computing 2024 pdf
465 Semantic graph learning for trend prediction from long financial documents XiaNamir Xia, Mohammed J. Zaki, Aparna Gupta IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr) 2024 pdf
466 Internal-External Information Enhanced Causal Reasoning YaoYucheng Yao, Fan Yang, Kaiyue Wang, Xiabing Zhou International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2024 pdf
467 Explicit Relation-Enhanced AMR for Document-Level Event Argument Extraction with Global-Local Attention WangPushi Wang, Tao Luo, Xin Wang, Guozheng Rao Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint International Conference on Web and Big Data 2024 pdf
468 Investigating Paraphrase Generation as a Data Augmentation Strategy for Low-Resource AMR-to-Text Generation CabezudoMarco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Marcio Lima Inacio, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference 2024 pdf
469 Generating from AMRs into High and Low-Resource Languages using Phylogenetic Knowledge and Hierarchical QLoRA Training (HQL) MartinezWilliam Eduardo Soto Martinez, Yannick Parmentier, Claire Gardent Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference 2024 pdf
470 Transforming text annotations into graph-based features for a human-in-the-loop explainable information extraction framework ChytilekFlorian Chytilek MSc thesis, Technische Universität Wien 2024 pdf
471 Compositionality and Sentence Meaning: Comparing Semantic Parsing and Transformers on a Challenging Sentence Similarity Dataset FodorJames Fodor, Simon De Deyne, Shinsuke Suzuki Computational Linguistics 2024 pdf
472 Automatic Single Document Summarization for Indonesian News Article Using Abstract Meaning Representation AkhyarAmany Akhyar, Masayu Leylia Khodra The 11th International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications 2024 pdf
473 FLAG: Financial Long Document Classification via AMR-based GNN XiaBolun (Namir) Xia, Mohammed J. Zaki, Aparna Gupta CIFEr Conference 2024 2024 pdf
474 Should Cross-Lingual AMR Parsing go Meta? An Empirical Assessment of Meta-Learning and Joint Learning AMR Parsing KangJeongwoo Kang, Maximin Coavoux, Cédric Lopez, Didier Schwab Findings of EMNLP 2024 2024 pdf